Posts in EMDR
Striking the Balance... Eating Disorder Recovery and Exercise

Striking the balance between eating disorder recovery and exercise can be a challenging endeavor because it can look very different for different people. Part of the reason that it can feel so challenging is that it can be both a positive coping skill and a negative coping skill at the same time.

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Practice is Open!

Practice is open! Accepting new clients.

-Eating disorders including:

-Binge eating disorder, anorexia, bulimia, undiagnosed eating disorder, orthorexia, sports induced eating disorders

-EMDR and other trauma related support

-General therapy

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Who Am I Without My Eating Disorder?

Who am I without my eating disorder? This is a question that is often raised in the eating disorder recovery world. While in your disorder you might recognize that it has become a big part of your identity, if not your identity itself. An eating disorder can dictate every decision in someone’s life. It often governs what to eat, how to eat it, when to eat, what to do, and what not to do. Therefore it might not come as a surprise to hear that it can also be the main identification that someone lives with.

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Why Do People Worry When Someone Gains Weight and Not the Inverse?

Diet Culture has primed us to praise weight loss and oppress weight gain. Even if these comments are made with the best intentions in mind, they often create a disordered relationship with your body.

Different people have different relationships with weight. Therefore certain people gain weight when they are ill and others lose weight when they are ill.

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Do You Eat From Deprivation? Is it an Eating Disorder?

When most people hear the term intentional deprivation they instantly think of eating disorders in their most severe form. Deprivation eating comes in many forms. In fact, deprivation eating is often a result of overeating at times.
So why is this? Why do I feel out of control with my eating habits? Is this binge eating disorder?

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Body Neutrality and Acceptance Over Body Positivity

Wikipedia defines body positivity as, “a social movement initially created to empower and shed light on plus size women and men, while challenging the ways in which society presents and views the physical body. The movement advocates the acceptance of all bodies regardless of physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance.”

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Is My Relationship with Food and My Body Disordered?

Do you find that you are constantly thinking about food or your body? Are you making decisions that have nothing to do with food on how it has to do with food? Do you feel like your fear of gaining weight is following you wherever you go? Are you done with being stuck inside the same negative cycle?

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Important Reminders While in Eating Disorder Treatment 

It is incredibly important to set healthy expectations for yourself during all stages of recovery. No matter how long you have been in recovery there are certain reminders that get lost along the way. Why is this? Recovering from an eating disorder can take a long time… it is all too common that someone enters into recovery and gets frustrated by the time it is taking to feel better.

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The How-To’s for COVID-19 and Online Therapy

There is no denying that the current pandemic has caused all of us to approach our daily lives differently. There is plenty of confusion, uncertainty and questions floating around the world right now. Which is why it is important to create as much normalcy as you possibly can - and that includes therapy. Whether you are actively in therapy or you are considering seeking out a therapist, the stay at home order should not be a roadblock preventing you from achieving the personal growth you are seeking. Many revisions have been implemented to the current mental health standards to allow for more flexibility for online therapy. As a result, I wanted to write a blog to discuss the best ways to get the most of your online therapy.

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Binge Eating Disorder Debunked

Binge Eating Disorder Debunked, Ellie Kraus Psychotherapy, Boulder, CO

What is binge eating disorder?

Why does binge eating happen?

Why do I feel out of control when I am around food?

Perhaps these are some of the questions that you have asked yourself. So why does one binge?

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How to Best Support When Your Loved One is Grieving

It can be really hard navigating how to best supportive of your partner, friend, family member when they are grieving the loss of a loved one. Oftentimes we don’t know if we should reach out or what exactly to say. The most important thing to remember if your loved one is grieving is that everyone handles and processes situations differently from the next person. The best possible thing to do is simply hold space for them to feel and process in whatever way that they need. 

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Enough is Enough - Who Are You Without Your Anxiety?

Anxiety can be a complicated beast. Do you ever experience initial feelings of anxiety and the very acknowledgement of that anxiety sends you into more anxiety? Or do you ever find yourself trying to designate the ‘trigger’ of your anxiety, or whatever set it off? 

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4 Things Every College Student Should Know About Therapy

Several recent studies have found that college and graduate students are experiencing significantly higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Between the expectations of academics, new friends, social obligations, social media, or multitasking school and working it can feel like a lot. Needless to say, college is a very stressful transition in your life and it is important to remember that you are not alone.

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