Posts tagged relationship issues
Why Binging is Not the Problem...

Many people approach binging as the ultimate problem. First, there is an incredible amount of shame wrapped up in this belief. As we continue to live in a culture that values thinness we are fed the idea that to overeat or to be in a heavier body is shameful. Meaning, it is something that you have done to yourself. This message is frustrating in so many ways.

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Your Online Therapy Questions Answered

As I write this piece we are over a month into quarantine following the shelter in place orders during COVID-19. I have always been an advocate for online therapy. It provides those with time, travel and social restraints the opportunity to access therapy from the comfort of their own home or workplace. As quarantine has become the new norm and my therapy sessions have moved entirely virtual, I have found only more reasons to promote online therapy as an effective, productive and supportive route to achieve your therapeutic goals.

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Why Dieting Does Not Work...

So really, why does dieting not work? Dieting isolates many important factors that are part of what makes an individual's body, their body. You might be wondering why you just can’t seem to maintain that diet? Or every time that you do it ends in a binge that erases all the hard work that you put in. So why is this? When a binge happens your body is responding to the lack thereof.

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How to Best Support When Your Loved One is Grieving

It can be really hard navigating how to best supportive of your partner, friend, family member when they are grieving the loss of a loved one. Oftentimes we don’t know if we should reach out or what exactly to say. The most important thing to remember if your loved one is grieving is that everyone handles and processes situations differently from the next person. The best possible thing to do is simply hold space for them to feel and process in whatever way that they need. 

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4 Steps to Overcoming Codependency

Codependency is a word that gets thrown around quite frequently. There are codependent romantic partners, codependent parents, codependent friends… but what actually is codependency? And is it really as bad as it sounds?

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