Posts tagged social anxiety
Why Binging is Not the Problem...

Many people approach binging as the ultimate problem. First, there is an incredible amount of shame wrapped up in this belief. As we continue to live in a culture that values thinness we are fed the idea that to overeat or to be in a heavier body is shameful. Meaning, it is something that you have done to yourself. This message is frustrating in so many ways.

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Your Online Therapy Questions Answered

As I write this piece we are over a month into quarantine following the shelter in place orders during COVID-19. I have always been an advocate for online therapy. It provides those with time, travel and social restraints the opportunity to access therapy from the comfort of their own home or workplace. As quarantine has become the new norm and my therapy sessions have moved entirely virtual, I have found only more reasons to promote online therapy as an effective, productive and supportive route to achieve your therapeutic goals.

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Why Do So Many College Students Develop Eating Disorders?

Why do so many college kids develop eating disorders?

College can be stressful already. It is a confusing time and if you are also trying to navigate an eating disorder, it can feel even more confusing. I wanted to put together a list of signs and symptoms that it might be time to seek help for an eating disorder or a developing eating disorder. Eating disorders come in many forms; body image dissatisfaction, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, body dysmorphia, orthorexia, and the list goes on.

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Binge Eating Disorder Debunked

Binge Eating Disorder Debunked, Ellie Kraus Psychotherapy, Boulder, CO

What is binge eating disorder?

Why does binge eating happen?

Why do I feel out of control when I am around food?

Perhaps these are some of the questions that you have asked yourself. So why does one binge?

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Childhood: A Template for the Future

There is no doubt that children are observant. They are constantly learning, evolving, adapting, and responding to their surroundings. Since parenting is the first form of a relationship that a child is introduced to, their understanding of a secure relationship is most often based off of that relationship. This is the basis of attachment and attachment theory.

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Enough is Enough - Who Are You Without Your Anxiety?

Anxiety can be a complicated beast. Do you ever experience initial feelings of anxiety and the very acknowledgement of that anxiety sends you into more anxiety? Or do you ever find yourself trying to designate the ‘trigger’ of your anxiety, or whatever set it off? 

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4 Things Every College Student Should Know About Therapy

Several recent studies have found that college and graduate students are experiencing significantly higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Between the expectations of academics, new friends, social obligations, social media, or multitasking school and working it can feel like a lot. Needless to say, college is a very stressful transition in your life and it is important to remember that you are not alone.

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