COVID and Isolation, Eating, and Body Dissatisfaction

During these COVID times most people are spending more time alone in their homes. Routines have been uprooted from social obligations and time spent out of the house to more time to think and be alone. Over the last 10 or so months I have heard many individuals report that they are feeling less satisfied with their body due to an increased amount of time indoors. Individuals are reporting that there are more opportunities to look into the mirror and feel dissatisfied with their body throughout the day. People are reporting that they feel out of control with food and find themselves binging at times. Others are expressing that they feel like they are not moving their body as much as they used to, or as much as they would like to. Whether one or all of these examples relates to you, you are not alone. 

We are living in a time that is new to everyone. There is uncertainty and stress, dysfunction and confusion. It is only expected that our relationship with self and with food would also be impacted by this new way of life. 

One of the reasons that individuals are feeling so out of control with food is because eating and body image is something that we think we can control. Therefore, when we feel out of control of our lives due to job loss, loneliness, fear; we supplement that need for control by trying to manipulate our body or by utilizing food (or lack thereof) as an outlet to try and feel better. 

So what can you do to improve your body image and relationship with food during COVID? 

The first tip is to really ask yourself, ‘what is it that I am stressed about?’

When those thoughts sneak up about wanting to binge or feeling like you hate your body. Take a moment to assess what it really is you are stressed about. What is the fear that I am feeling related to? Am I safe? And what do I need right now to make my best self feel safe and calm? 

It is important to understand that if there is any restriction going on with food, whether that be mental restriction (I can eat this although I cannot eat that) or tangible restriction (not feeding yourself enough) binging and body hatred are likely taking place because your body is in a state of fight or flight and does not feel satiated. 

Which brings me to the next tip, if you feel as though your eating habits are erratic, you must create a feeling of abundance in some form. Due to the increased feelings of scarcity and fear (empty grocery shelves and the unknown) our nervous systems are primed. In order to eradicate this primal response, we need to remind ourselves that there is an abundance of food available. Some ideas to instill this understanding are meditation, stocking the fridge, cooking extras during meals and freezing it, and allowing yourself to eat whatever it is you want to eat. The key here is to let your body feel as though it has not only access but choice with food.


If you are interested in learning more about how I work with individuals through eating disorder treatment, please feel free to read more here or reach out to set up a free 20 minute consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!
