Posts tagged EMDR
Eating Disorder Therapy: Are You Ready to Begin?

Is it time to begin eating disorder therapy? There is never a wrong time. As your eating disorder therapist, we will work together to determine the best way forward. You will never be forced or tricked into anything, rather I will give you the information and tools that you need to decide for yourself. We will work through the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating together.

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Practice is Open!

Practice is open! Accepting new clients.

-Eating disorders including:

-Binge eating disorder, anorexia, bulimia, undiagnosed eating disorder, orthorexia, sports induced eating disorders

-EMDR and other trauma related support

-General therapy

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Are You Curious to Know What Eating Disorder Therapy is Like?

This is an incredibly common question when people begin thinking about entering into eating disorder therapy. The truth is, it can look many different ways depending on what your eating disorder treatment needs are.

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Why Dieting Does Not Work...

So really, why does dieting not work? Dieting isolates many important factors that are part of what makes an individual's body, their body. You might be wondering why you just can’t seem to maintain that diet? Or every time that you do it ends in a binge that erases all the hard work that you put in. So why is this? When a binge happens your body is responding to the lack thereof.

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COVID-19 and Eating Disorders

As I write this piece, we are over a month into our COVID-19 self-quarantine. Despite the time that has passed there is still a lot of uncertainty in the world and many people have felt a loss of control in their lives. The impact that COVID-19 has had on individuals' mental health is evident by the quickly-evolving support systems adapting their practices to online therapy.

People with disordered eating, most commonly referred to as eating disorders, are at an even greater risk of relapsing or increasing their disordered habits. For those affected by this you might be feeling anxious, depressed or trapped within your own body. There is a correlation between control and disordered eating habits

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The How-To’s for COVID-19 and Online Therapy

There is no denying that the current pandemic has caused all of us to approach our daily lives differently. There is plenty of confusion, uncertainty and questions floating around the world right now. Which is why it is important to create as much normalcy as you possibly can - and that includes therapy. Whether you are actively in therapy or you are considering seeking out a therapist, the stay at home order should not be a roadblock preventing you from achieving the personal growth you are seeking. Many revisions have been implemented to the current mental health standards to allow for more flexibility for online therapy. As a result, I wanted to write a blog to discuss the best ways to get the most of your online therapy.

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