Combat Negative Body Image

Body hatred is an epidemic in modern society today. A recent study found that 79% of American’s have been unhappy with their body at some point in their life. This statistic is not surprising considering the societal obsession with having ‘the perfect body.’

This belief system does not have to be your belief system, in fact, it is likely not your belief system and rather a belief system that has been instilled in you through the constant feed of messages portraying the importance of having, or striving for, the perfect body. 

How can you combat these thoughts about your body? 

Are you sick of hearing a feedback loop telling you that you hate your body? 

Oftentimes, these beliefs are a response to an earlier experience that you had with your body. Many people with body image dissatisfaction were sent messages from an early age that their body was not lovable and as a result, they should do something to change it. Others were raised in homes where a parent obsessed about their own body and as a result sent signals that they too should strive for thinness. 

In this blog post I will suggest several ways to get in touch with your body from a position of neutrality. 

  1. Explore the underlying root of your body dissatisfaction - were you sent messages from an early age? Were you surrounded by diet culture for as long as you can remember? Is your body dissatisfaction tied to anxieties that have nothing to do with your body? This exploration can be incredibly helpful to do with the support of a professional. Otherwise, journaling, talking with a friend, and meditation can be helpful tools to get to the root

  2. Take a break from social media - turn off the images and messages that you are intaking that validate the belief system that you should have a certain body. Social media is a breeding ground for insecurities. Sometimes in order to gain enough distance from the negative thoughts that fuel your relationship with your body, you are going to have to take a pause from social media. Another option would be to unfollow all content that is not inclusive of all body’s and begin to follow social media accounts that promote inclusivity. 

  3. Embrace the change - your body is going to gain and lose weight throughout your life. Fluctuation is a part of being human. You can either embrace it and allow it to happen, or fight it with feelings of guilt and shame. Acknowledge that the evolution of your body is part of being human

  4. Take care of yourself - begin implementing self care practices that show grace and gratitude for the body that you have. Examples of this are getting a massage, going to yoga, taking a bath, look in the mirror and begin to rewrite the language that you say to yourself

  5. Pay attention to your mental health - working with a therapist to understand your self talk can be a groundbreaking practice. Oftentimes we are so accustomed to the things that we tell ourselves on a normal basis that we don’t even realize what we are saying. The help of a professional can be incredibly beneficial with this change

In all, many of these steps are easier said than done. That is true. Although reconfiguring the relationship that you have with your body and therefore, yourself, is worth it. 


If you are interested in learning more about how I work with individuals through eating disorder treatment, please feel free to read more here or reach out to set up a free 20 minute consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!
