Your Online Therapy Questions Answered

As I write this piece we are over a month into quarantine following the shelter in place orders during COVID-19. I have always been an advocate for online therapy. It provides those with time, travel and social restraints the opportunity to access therapy from the comfort of their own home or workplace. As quarantine has become the new norm and my therapy sessions have moved entirely virtual, I have found only more reasons to promote online therapy as an effective, productive and supportive route to achieve your therapeutic goals. 

Over the last several weeks I have heard many of the same questions regarding the use of online therapy. I wanted to use this post to answer some of those questions.

Is online therapy effective? 

Yes, as I mentioned through my work I have found the use of online therapy to be incredibly effective. For those clients that are transitioning from in-person to online sessions, there is no denying that there are a few new things to adjust to. Such as looking for body language in different ways, finding a quiet and safe place to be while in session, and discovering new and different ways to explore the nuances that get lost when not in-person. 

The most important nuance I have discovered as therapy has transitioned entirely online is the requirement that the transition demands for flexibility. At the end of the day a lot of the work done in therapy is exploring how individuals can be more flexible with themselves and with their thinking --- online therapy is a perfect platform to experiment with this practice. 

Is online therapy private?

Yes, I utilize a HIPAA compliant video conferencing system called Zoom. For those that know Zoom, I utilize the virtual waiting room which means that the meeting host (myself) must admit an individual upon entering the conferencing room. Additionally, if there is another conferencing system that you use and I love. I would be more than happy to explore utilizing that system for sessions instead. 

Can you do EMDR therapy using online therapy? 

Yes - it can. I have received special training in conducting EMDR therapy online. There are several nuances in comparison to EMDR therapy in-person. With that being said, we will take our time, move slowly, and create a safe environment to ensure comfortable and safety when doing EMDR therapy online. 

If I am not tech savvy, will I be able to use online therapy?

Absolutely, I am happy to set up a time outside of our session time to walk you through the video conferencing system and how it works. We will be patient, work together and make the experience one that generates empowerment, rather than frustration. 

How long does online therapy last?

Well that depends… Some people come to therapy for just a few sessions. Typically, in these cases, an individual has a very specific goal or problem that they feel comfortable isolating and working on. In other cases therapy can last years. It really all depends and that is a conversation and a source for collaboration that we will discuss and work on together. 

Is it awkward meeting your therapist online for the first time? 

The first meeting with your therapist can feel awkward no matter what! I do my best to provide a safe and comfortable experience right off the back. As we transition to this new life online, we are all adapting, adjusting, and getting to know ourselves in new ways. Therefore, we will work through the initial awkwardness together, if that is what you are feeling., 

If you are interested in setting up a free 20 minute consultation please reach out! I specialize in eating disorder treatment, therapy for college students, and EMDR therapy.
