Are You Curious to Know What Eating Disorder Therapy is Like?

This is an incredibly common question when people begin thinking about entering into eating disorder therapy. The truth is, it can look many different ways depending on what your needs are. There are inpatient, residential, outpatient, and intensive outpatient options depending on the needs of the individual seeking eating disorder treatment. Here is a little information about each type (different programs have different offerings therefore these explanations have been generalized)

  1. Inpatient/Residential - typically this approach is designed to make sure that patients are medically stable. A lot of individual’s enter inpatient who are not medically stable and the purpose of this design is to preserve the health of the patient. Individual’s remain inpatient 24 hours a day with a schedule composed of psycho-education, group therapy, individual therapy, meetings with a dietician/doctor, and eventually working towards developing a discharge plan so that the patient is prepared upon leaving. 

  2. Intensive outpatient (IOP) or Partial hospitalization (PHP) -these programs are typically transitional steps between inpatient to outpatient. IOP programs can last anywhere from 3-12 hours/day and up to 7 days a week. Individuals do not stay overnight at these programs. The program offerings are similar to that of inpatient consisting of psycho-education, group therapy, individual therapy, and meetings with a dietician/doctor.

  3. Outpatient - this approach is more inline with what you picture when you think of visiting a therapist. Individuals may be involved with both an individual therapist, a group therapy session, dietician, and doctor, this is referred to as your outpatient team. Again, depending on the needs of the individual, they may be working with several clinicians or just a therapist

Outpatient eating disorder therapy is what I offer and what I will discuss more in depth.

I don’t know if I am ready to enter eating disorder treatment

Upon entering eating disorder treatment it can feel really scary. A lot of times, individuals are not ready to fully let go of their disordered eating habits yet they know something is wrong and they know that it is in their best interest to seek help - this is a very common and understandable way to feel. After all disordered eating habits are coping strategies that developed to make you feel better in the moment and it is not your fault that they are here! During eating disorder treatment we will explore why and how these coping strategies were created. By better understanding their purpose and their intention to protect you from something that may feel even scarier, we can work together to compassionately listen to what your body is telling you and learn to respond in resourceful ways.

Eating disorder therapy is designed around the individual. Therefore, we will work together at a pace that feels appropriate to both client and therapist. This takes time, patience, and hard work. It can be incredibly challenging trying to navigate an eating disorder on your own and the help of another individual can be the missing link. 

Can eating disorder treatment be done using online therapy

Yes, I work with many clients through online therapy. I have found it to be highly effective in providing the support individual’s need to work towards their therapeutic goals. Together, we will establish a plan of action to best work together via my online platform, Zoom. We will make sure that you feel comfortable and supported alongside this approach. 

How do I take the next step in seeking support with eating disorder therapy

If you are nervous or unsure about reaching out, feel free to provide as little information as is comfortable for you. There is no such thing as over or under sharing. We can schedule a 20 minute free consultation by phone or video to see if it feels like a good fit.

If you are interested in learning more about eating disorder treatment online or eating disorder therapy in Boulder, CO, please contact me at 720-491-1993 or follow the link below.