Do You Ever Fully Recover From an Eating Disorder?

Well, yes and no… and it also depends on what you classify as an eating disorder…

I see many clients who ask me in the beginning of eating disorder treatment, will I ever fully get over this? It is absolutely a fair question to ask. After all many people with eating disorders feel so consumed by their thoughts and feelings towards food that they can only dream of a day where their time and energy is directed elsewhere. The truth is, of course you can recover from an eating disorder. The truth of that truth is, once you are recovered you are actively in recovery. What this means is no matter where you are on your road to recovery, even if you are 15 years out, you still have to be mindful of your triggers and behaviors associated with disordered eating behavior. 

Eating disorders are a form of self soothing.

Since disordered eating behaviors are a form of self-soothing (meaning a way to momentarily feel better rather than addressing the underlying emotion/experience) an individual habituates themselves into using these behaviors when life feels overwhelming. We all know that life is full of ups and downs. Eating disorder treatment does not rid an individual of these ups and downs. Rather, it supports individuals in learning the skills and compassion needed to respond to these ups and downs in a healthy way. 

For example, let's say someone has worked through an eating disorder and is 10 years on the other side. One day they find out that their partner has unexpectedly passed away, a horrible scenario for anyone to experience. This individual may experience such painful emotions that their disordered eating habits begin to creep back in as a way to cope and feel better. In order to actively maintain their recovery this individual must have an understanding of the signs, symptoms, and triggers associated with their disordered eating habits in order to move past them and initiate other ways of coping. 

Recovering from an eating disorder, an introduction to peace.

Many individuals in the beginning of treatment do not fully see the hypothetical bars they are living behind. Sometimes an eating disorder can feel so important and can feel practically impossible to imagine a life without it. These are all very common ways to feel. The important part to understand is that there is peace and freedom on the other side. Many people come to eating disorder treatment with a long list of uncertainties. They are not fully sure that they really want to move past it. Again, these are all incredibly common ways to feel and think. 

Within my practice I have observed that once an individual begins to create space between themselves and their disordered eating they feel a new vibrance towards life. They also feel that the further they move away from their eating disorder, the more impossible it feels to ever go back. 

What is eating disorder treatment like?

Eating disorder treatment takes shape in many different ways. The foundation of every approach is to develop a healthy relationship with food and your body. In doing so it helps to understand how and why the disordered eating develops because in doing so, you can establish a compassionate understanding towards yourself free of shame and guilt.

I don’t know if I am ready to begin eating disorder treatment.

No one is ever 100% ready to do this work. I would say that if you have made it to this page and certain parts have resonated with you, that is enough of a reason to reach out. You do not need to be alone in this work and the help of another individual can support you in navigating the conflicting thoughts and feelings regarding your recovery.

Reach out for support with eating disorder therapy

If you are interested in seeking support I would love to work with you towards reaching your goals and redefining the relationship that you have with your body. If you are interested in learning more about how I work with body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating through eating disorder treatment or how I utilize online therapy I encourage you to read more. 

If you are interested in setting up a free 20 minute consultation please reach out!
