A Message to Your Body
One of our most sacred tools to connect with ourselves is through our body’s. We utilize them every day to do the things that we love, yet we so infrequently acknowledge what they do for us.
Between the constant influx of messages telling you to be one thing or to have one type of body there is so rarely time to explore how you truly feel about your body, societal expectations aside.
There is no doubt that learning to accept your body is an uphill battle. After all, society tells us that there is one right way to be. Yet that does not mean that it is not possible.
The number one practice to begin your body acceptance journey is through gratitude.
Sounds abstract doesn’t it? Easier said than done right?
Well, yes and no.
A gratitude practice is anything that mindfully acknowledges a heartfelt appreciation towards something and in this case, your body.
A gratitude practice does not have to be a meditation or even a gratitude journal. It can be a form of movement that is facilitated by love and awareness. It can be a moment of reflection acknowledging the work that your body has done for you and will continue to do for you.
So how does a gratitude practice relate to body acceptance?
When we look at our body’s from a place of criticism we are looking at our body’s from a very narrow lens. Criticism takes place when we are unable to see the bigger picture. When we implement a moment of gratitude towards our body’s we are acknowledging that they are systems outside of the closed-minded lens that society tells us to look through.
Waiting to accept your body until you reach a certain number on the scale is much like postponing your life. And let me tell you one thing… a number is not going to automatically create joy, acceptance, and appreciation for who you are.
You deserve to live your life with gratitude, love, and acceptance now… not when some arbitrary number is displayed on some crappy LED screen on a box that signifies nothing more than a role society tells us to fill.
If you are interested in learning more about how I work with individuals through eating disorder treatment, please feel free to read more here or reach out to set up a free 20 minute consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!